
First we would like to express our gratitude to Mirko Jalava from for his friendship and support. Mirko gave us access to his lists free of charge, he adapted his lists to make the data compatible to our needs, without him our page would not be possible.
We would also like to thank our friends from for constant beta testing, suggestions and especially to Diskusmann for giving us a new home after the German federation closed down their message board.

The team

Oliver does all the programming and somehow always manages to turn Rob's ideas into reality without going insane.
Rob knows nothing about programming but has a brain that gets stimulated by Pepsi and therefore comes up with one idea after another how to improve our site. Officially we call him a consultant.
Mirko is not actively involved in the programming or design of the page, but his world lists are essential, we couldn't do it without him.


The history of this page

In the spring of 2015 Oliver wanted to know how German athletes were doing regarding qualification for the WCs in Beijing, so he wrote a little java program. He then made the mistake of telling Rob about it who suggested (some might say insisted) this would be a great webpage. Olli then realised there was so much more to it than he initially thought with all the exceptions, special rules for walking and marathon, wild cards, different qualification periods, etc. Olli kept programming, Rob kept coming up with ideas for new features and improvements and eventually the webpage became very popular in the athletics community (that was around the time Olli admitted to not understanding his own code anymore).
We received feedback from athletes, coaches, fans, even federations, so after Beijing Olli decided to rewrite the code and add more features.


We would like to thank Carole, Scott, Jon, Murali and all others who support us with updates from around the world.

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